I been missing you more everyday but I am sorry I haven't been able to show you, especially today at work when you wanted me the most. I don't want you to think I careless now, I just don't want to get into trouble on my first week of work sorry. I will pay more attention to you, and I think like in a week I can see you on video. By the way love the bracelet so much, the one you showed me today,it is so you babe. I wish I bought it stop buying the goos stuff, I want to get you something real cool too. So let me ok =p. I really wanted to be with you when your sick, I tried to call you but you didn't want to talk, I really wanted to check on you, sorry it took so long to call you, because I was waiting for my boss to go to his meeting. =( I was sad to find that you hung up Skype, but I know you weren't feeling well so I understand. I just felt like you were angry at me. If you are I am sorry, I acted like a jerk didn't I and I want to say sorry. I didn't mean to sound so rude. I really do care a lot, I really did worry. This whole day I wanted to be with you more than ever, I hate how much today ended. I feel bad, ok babe, I promised you I would take care of you and I didn't. =( You know I want to be there for you more than anything. I will work harder so I can see you sooner. I promise, I will work harder in school and work. I promise I will get good grades and I will be the best at work so I can get more hours or get a full time job.
I love you so much please get better soon,
Please talk to me like you were before this, I won't ignore you anymore, I sorry babe I brought my netbook to talk to you to work and I didn't even act like I care. But But that quiz I studied for today I got a 100 ^^. I wish I didn't work today. I wish so bad I could have spent today with you, I am sorry I will show you I can pay more attention to you next time, with video both ways and whatever you want ok, I PROMISEEEEE. So give me another chance pleassseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
Us old picture on my phone.
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