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Wednesday, September 29, 2010
quick post
Finally found one good thing bout long distance. :) things like anniversaries last 36 hours not 24 =) love you
Hey babe,
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY LOVE. I am happy to say 5 months anniversary I knew we would make it to 5 months and have many many more left, I know we do. Even cooler happy 1 YEAR KNOWING YOU!!!!!!! Isn't it crazy 1 wholeee year, it is amazing how fast time can fly. I wish it wasn't that long because I wish to be able to see you everyday and tease you like I use to. I miss spending all night in the beginning and we would talk and tease each other and talk learning about each other (I still love it know just as much, but I loved finding new things about you=)). I miss that first night when we talked on the phone and you fell asleep with the phone still on, I loved it. You should have seen my smile haha, then after 2 hours of sleeping you woke up because of a bad dream and you talked to me when I was still there, I think thats when I started to feel like I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. How about when I use to take you home everyday and it was snowing. We would talk in front of your house while I held you in my arms and covered you in my jacket thats when I knew I wanted to protect you from anything for the the rest of our lives. Or when I use to pick you up from school after your class and we would go out and have a nice dinner, thats when I knew I could be happy with you because the simplest things were my most favorite. You have always been able to make me smile no matter how down I felt or angry I was. Thank you for that for being that one positive thing in my life.

I wish I could tell you in words all that you are to me, but I can't we both know that, because it ends up sounding like BS haha. But honestly I am so so so so so happy we were able to meet and go on these great adventures together. Look how much we did in such a short time, I know we could have done more but I think we did pretty well. I mean we still have somethings on our checklist for New York, but theres not much left lol. What we have to do now is start checking the things we want to do outside of New York off our list, we can start with Baltimore. Wasn't that one of the best trips, it was so relaxing and so many great memories. I really wish we can go to more aquariums and see dolphin shows haha, you should have seen how big your smile was, you looked like a happy kid =). Next time we have to go to Boston, it is so cool we went in elementary school. And we been to Trinidad 2x now in one year so we have to go to some where new like Paris or Cancun. Haha but we have so many place we still need to see so you have to come back ASAP because I need to bring you millions of places.
One of my most favorite things we have done in our one year together was our food adventures. Not only are you my girl friend and my best friend. Your also my food buddy haha. I know this is definitely one of your favorite things. We have tried so many different types of food some of our more memorable restaurant dates would be at Gusto, Zenkichi and Water Club. I happy I was able to take you to so many different places before you left. I am happy we went on all those amazing dinner dates =).
But I have to say some of my favorite dinner dates we went to were ones that were cheap but we sat down and enjoyed ourselves. Singer's pizza one of my most favorite places because it was our Thursday ritual where I would pick you up and then we would get pizza and talk and talk. Or when we went to eat dumplings in flushing by the park or the Thai food by your house. We had so many great food adventures love I hope we can do some more real soon.
Oh yea love cooking for you possibly on my top things, I love cooking for you and you always smile real big and bother me asking when is it time to eat haha. Then you would hug me while I cook for you and watch me =). But my favorite is when we cook together, when you cut the vegetables and I prepare and season the food. I have to learn many other dishes so you can smile big.
"For all these years you have been my first thought in the morning and my last thought at night." This is so true because you are the first person I call when I wake up and the last person I talk to before I sleep everyday since December haha. We weren't even dating and we have been doing these couple like things. I know you won't admit but we been acting like boy friend and girl friend way before you said yes haha. To me its been like this for seven or eight months. But who cares we had so many great times I don't even care how many months or years, I just want it to last forever.
So many people are supporting us so don't give up hope ok babe, to me its like everyone believes in long distance but they are to scared to try it. So let us be the reason why people start trying it out. I know we can get though this little thing. So have faith in me and you and I promise after this part everything will be smooth sailing haha. "No one else would understand our relationship, and no one else in this world would understand me the way you do. Happy Anniversary!" =) I love you so much and I miss you more than you will ever know.
Love you,
Your Astroboy (see you have your own super hero =p)
P.S. It is way to lonely here without you, I hope you can rush back home as soon as possible I will be waiting for you to come back ok =). So try hurry home so I won't die of loneliness =).
My new FB profile pic. like it or not because I love it =). <3 HAPPY 5 MONTHS ANNIVERSARY AND EXACTLY 1 YEAR KNOWING YOU =).
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY LOVE. I am happy to say 5 months anniversary I knew we would make it to 5 months and have many many more left, I know we do. Even cooler happy 1 YEAR KNOWING YOU!!!!!!! Isn't it crazy 1 wholeee year, it is amazing how fast time can fly. I wish it wasn't that long because I wish to be able to see you everyday and tease you like I use to. I miss spending all night in the beginning and we would talk and tease each other and talk learning about each other (I still love it know just as much, but I loved finding new things about you=)). I miss that first night when we talked on the phone and you fell asleep with the phone still on, I loved it. You should have seen my smile haha, then after 2 hours of sleeping you woke up because of a bad dream and you talked to me when I was still there, I think thats when I started to feel like I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. How about when I use to take you home everyday and it was snowing. We would talk in front of your house while I held you in my arms and covered you in my jacket thats when I knew I wanted to protect you from anything for the the rest of our lives. Or when I use to pick you up from school after your class and we would go out and have a nice dinner, thats when I knew I could be happy with you because the simplest things were my most favorite. You have always been able to make me smile no matter how down I felt or angry I was. Thank you for that for being that one positive thing in my life.
I wish I could tell you in words all that you are to me, but I can't we both know that, because it ends up sounding like BS haha. But honestly I am so so so so so happy we were able to meet and go on these great adventures together. Look how much we did in such a short time, I know we could have done more but I think we did pretty well. I mean we still have somethings on our checklist for New York, but theres not much left lol. What we have to do now is start checking the things we want to do outside of New York off our list, we can start with Baltimore. Wasn't that one of the best trips, it was so relaxing and so many great memories. I really wish we can go to more aquariums and see dolphin shows haha, you should have seen how big your smile was, you looked like a happy kid =). Next time we have to go to Boston, it is so cool we went in elementary school. And we been to Trinidad 2x now in one year so we have to go to some where new like Paris or Cancun. Haha but we have so many place we still need to see so you have to come back ASAP because I need to bring you millions of places.
One of my most favorite things we have done in our one year together was our food adventures. Not only are you my girl friend and my best friend. Your also my food buddy haha. I know this is definitely one of your favorite things. We have tried so many different types of food some of our more memorable restaurant dates would be at Gusto, Zenkichi and Water Club. I happy I was able to take you to so many different places before you left. I am happy we went on all those amazing dinner dates =).
But I have to say some of my favorite dinner dates we went to were ones that were cheap but we sat down and enjoyed ourselves. Singer's pizza one of my most favorite places because it was our Thursday ritual where I would pick you up and then we would get pizza and talk and talk. Or when we went to eat dumplings in flushing by the park or the Thai food by your house. We had so many great food adventures love I hope we can do some more real soon.
Oh yea love cooking for you possibly on my top things, I love cooking for you and you always smile real big and bother me asking when is it time to eat haha. Then you would hug me while I cook for you and watch me =). But my favorite is when we cook together, when you cut the vegetables and I prepare and season the food. I have to learn many other dishes so you can smile big.
"For all these years you have been my first thought in the morning and my last thought at night." This is so true because you are the first person I call when I wake up and the last person I talk to before I sleep everyday since December haha. We weren't even dating and we have been doing these couple like things. I know you won't admit but we been acting like boy friend and girl friend way before you said yes haha. To me its been like this for seven or eight months. But who cares we had so many great times I don't even care how many months or years, I just want it to last forever.
So many people are supporting us so don't give up hope ok babe, to me its like everyone believes in long distance but they are to scared to try it. So let us be the reason why people start trying it out. I know we can get though this little thing. So have faith in me and you and I promise after this part everything will be smooth sailing haha. "No one else would understand our relationship, and no one else in this world would understand me the way you do. Happy Anniversary!" =) I love you so much and I miss you more than you will ever know.
Love you,
Your Astroboy (see you have your own super hero =p)
P.S. It is way to lonely here without you, I hope you can rush back home as soon as possible I will be waiting for you to come back ok =). So try hurry home so I won't die of loneliness =).
My new FB profile pic. like it or not because I love it =). <3 HAPPY 5 MONTHS ANNIVERSARY AND EXACTLY 1 YEAR KNOWING YOU =).
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Hey babe,
Like promised I blog for you =). So today was a long long day haha and it rained again wtf lol. I hate how much it rained today because I had to carry my art portfolio to class today worst thing ever haha. But I got to class early =). So we had to draw this today haha how cool does it look. OMG it was the biggest pain in the ass to draw. We didn't even finish today, haha it a two week project. LOL
So after I had two more classes ummm the one in the Bronx sucked I don't know why he teaches lol. We got out early so I went to computer center. I had to check my midterm essay and print it out. But when I was in the computer lab I heard some sad news a student died in my school. The internet said he hung himself. I feel real bad for his family and I hope it wasn't for a dumb reason. =(
After I took the van to school for the first time in awhile.
Tried to take a picture while it was moving. I wanted to show you the leaves are starting to change color. That is the most beautiful thing about New York, it made me miss you and want to say come back now. I really want to walk central park with you and walk around looking at the yellow,red and orange trees watching the leaves fall. =)
Its the waffle truck on Astor place they open a mini one by my school, I have to try it tomorrow if its there haha I want to try one so bad, with whip cream, strawberries and chocolate yummmmm.
Instead I settled for mozzarella sticks and chicken and rice soup. Hate the sticks taste like poop haha. I had to eat a lot of the free food from the office instead to get the bad taste out of my mouth lol, had my favorite chips, don't know what they are but OMGGG haha.
Here is my laptop while i chill in Raph's office I love this blog I read it everyday =).
So now I am wait for you to get out of shower I miss you =).
Oh yea get money bring, id and picture for your thing tomorrow .
Love you,
Oh yea my cousin put a blog post of my grandpa I never met =).

So after I had two more classes ummm the one in the Bronx sucked I don't know why he teaches lol. We got out early so I went to computer center. I had to check my midterm essay and print it out. But when I was in the computer lab I heard some sad news a student died in my school. The internet said he hung himself. I feel real bad for his family and I hope it wasn't for a dumb reason. =(
After I took the van to school for the first time in awhile.
Tried to take a picture while it was moving. I wanted to show you the leaves are starting to change color. That is the most beautiful thing about New York, it made me miss you and want to say come back now. I really want to walk central park with you and walk around looking at the yellow,red and orange trees watching the leaves fall. =)
Its the waffle truck on Astor place they open a mini one by my school, I have to try it tomorrow if its there haha I want to try one so bad, with whip cream, strawberries and chocolate yummmmm.
Instead I settled for mozzarella sticks and chicken and rice soup. Hate the sticks taste like poop haha. I had to eat a lot of the free food from the office instead to get the bad taste out of my mouth lol, had my favorite chips, don't know what they are but OMGGG haha.
Here is my laptop while i chill in Raph's office I love this blog I read it everyday =).
So now I am wait for you to get out of shower I miss you =).
Oh yea get money bring, id and picture for your thing tomorrow .
Love you,
Oh yea my cousin put a blog post of my grandpa I never met =).
Hi babe,
Sorry I haven't blogged in awhile when I promised you I would everyday. I will try to do it everyday again, so check ok =).
Today was raining super super hard when I woke up, it rained all day I hope it goes away soon because I have to carry around my sketch book for art, taking that class was a bad idea lol. So I got to school a little late today because of the rain, and I had to be paired up with my Chinese teacher fro a class project, yea...... So bad haha.
stupid rain haha and stupid umbrella. I did ok on my quiz though so no worries =). After class I went to talk to my friend about the party thing that happened haha. He didn't even know about the things until I told him. Feel bad for him I hope he gets better, because he feels real sad. I left at 11 haha because I wanted to say goodnight to you before you slept. I was happy to find you up still when I got home I ate my favorite beef patty and chili cheese dog for lunch. Then Chilled with you till you slept, I napped too haha till 3. Then I started on my HW, I drew a picture of shoes haha I have 1 more to do.
Finish the second bag of chips you cave me I loved these so so so much too, chicken still #1. lol
Started curry chips, wasn't to excited but they are really good haha, good choice I love it. You have to bring me one bag from this company back. So I did more homework after snack it so long haha read 14pg paper then I have to type 3 pages on Management. So I have to type paper and Art project still haha so I have to end short sorry love, I will write more tomorrow ok ?
Love ya,
Kinda embarrassed to show it, but I will for you ok =) here my sucky drawing
Miss you so much can't wait to get you back. =)
Sorry I haven't blogged in awhile when I promised you I would everyday. I will try to do it everyday again, so check ok =).
Today was raining super super hard when I woke up, it rained all day I hope it goes away soon because I have to carry around my sketch book for art, taking that class was a bad idea lol. So I got to school a little late today because of the rain, and I had to be paired up with my Chinese teacher fro a class project, yea...... So bad haha.
stupid rain haha and stupid umbrella. I did ok on my quiz though so no worries =). After class I went to talk to my friend about the party thing that happened haha. He didn't even know about the things until I told him. Feel bad for him I hope he gets better, because he feels real sad. I left at 11 haha because I wanted to say goodnight to you before you slept. I was happy to find you up still when I got home I ate my favorite beef patty and chili cheese dog for lunch. Then Chilled with you till you slept, I napped too haha till 3. Then I started on my HW, I drew a picture of shoes haha I have 1 more to do.
Finish the second bag of chips you cave me I loved these so so so much too, chicken still #1. lol
Started curry chips, wasn't to excited but they are really good haha, good choice I love it. You have to bring me one bag from this company back. So I did more homework after snack it so long haha read 14pg paper then I have to type 3 pages on Management. So I have to type paper and Art project still haha so I have to end short sorry love, I will write more tomorrow ok ?
Love ya,
Kinda embarrassed to show it, but I will for you ok =) here my sucky drawing
Miss you so much can't wait to get you back. =)
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Dad's last full day in NY till Thanksgiving
So today was my dad's last day in New York, he leaves tomorrow at 10 to go to the airport =(. Going to miss him a lot. So today you were to cool for me and left me all alone and I didn't get to talk to you in the morning haha. It's okay you were spending time with you family so I understand. Aunty Suzann called us to go Dim Sum, we wen to the one under the bridge, so good, she let me order as much as I want =). HAHA my mom and dad weren't to happy with me ordering so much but it was so good and cheap it was like 15-20 dishes that cost only 37.90 cool beans right? I loved it I ate sooo sooo much ahah. I guess I was happy I was with family and you and I were kool beans again =).
Then we walked around China Town.
Your friends place mama loves it so much she goes all the time lol =).
Funny looking clown guy hahaha looks so dumb, he look like the monkey from the chinese tv show my mom use to watch with the stick and cloud.
I want one it plays so much music haha.
Little Italy entrance random lol.
They put up this flag for ever 9/11 very nice of them to do that right?
I just took picture for you of china town.
Bakery in the festival looks soo sooo good haha
more treats.
Haha today was a nice day on the way home we saw like 3 other street fairs kool beans right? Today was the perfect day to go out with you, it was nice and sunny not to to hot and so many places to visit =(. I wish you were back so bad, before it gets to cold. I want to go to the Hudson river and lie on the grass again at night and watch the stars I miss it soo soo much babe. We got home at 6 and I slept till 8.30 haha so I have so much energy haha. SO we had crab for dinner for the third time this week and 5th time for me cuz of lunch 2x haha.
Love you so much,
P.S. Must get a car so we can do the things that we want like travel and see you sister. =)
Then we walked around China Town.
Your friends place mama loves it so much she goes all the time lol =).
Funny looking clown guy hahaha looks so dumb, he look like the monkey from the chinese tv show my mom use to watch with the stick and cloud.
I want one it plays so much music haha.
Little Italy entrance random lol.
They put up this flag for ever 9/11 very nice of them to do that right?
I just took picture for you of china town.
The festival today is the last day =( we have to go next year love.
Bakery in the festival looks soo sooo good haha
more treats.
Haha today was a nice day on the way home we saw like 3 other street fairs kool beans right? Today was the perfect day to go out with you, it was nice and sunny not to to hot and so many places to visit =(. I wish you were back so bad, before it gets to cold. I want to go to the Hudson river and lie on the grass again at night and watch the stars I miss it soo soo much babe. We got home at 6 and I slept till 8.30 haha so I have so much energy haha. SO we had crab for dinner for the third time this week and 5th time for me cuz of lunch 2x haha.
Love you so much,
P.S. Must get a car so we can do the things that we want like travel and see you sister. =)
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Sorry pls forgive me =)
I worked really hard on this for you I am sorry its so short, I wish I could do a better one =(. Used my phone camera lol had to tape it to the chair haha so it stay still. =p
Friday, September 24, 2010
The Bullshitter hate the title I decided to lose it before I lose you
Dear Kirby,
I messed up and I will change my ways. I know you always use to tell me BS and all those things but i never took it seriously. I never knew it made you like me less and prevent you from believing me. I won't BS anymore, I won't say those things that make you feel like I'm a liar. I just wanted to tell you in a way how much I missed you and how pretty I thought you were. I understand once in awhile is ok, but I over did it didn't I? I'm trying my hardest to stop, like yesterday I didn't do it right? So please believe that there will be more days like this. I will try to show you I love you though my actions and not stupid words ok =). I know you hate when I'm up all night talking to you,it's only because I miss you so much. I just don't want to lose a second with you and make you ever feel like your alone. And more so its because I am lonely and I only feel like I'm not alone when I'm with you. You've become come my best friend and the only person I really love. Back then you would never even think about me waking up at 6 or 7 for anything; not even class. But now its like no matter what time I fall asleep I have to be up by that time. Because when I don't get to talk to you in the morning my day always turn out like shit (pardon my French) because I always walk around sad. I just try to get though the day so I could get to talk to you. So please try understand why I stay up so late. I take naps when I get real tired so you don't have to worry about me, I am old enough to make smart enough choices. I promised you I would take care of myself right? I know it doesn't seem like that but I really do. I make sure I get 6 hours of sleep so that I can have the energy to talk to you when I call. I will sleep everyday at 3 now ok so you won't get angry at me. But can we make a deal that on weekends I can sleep later and take a nap when you sleep. It would mean the world to me.
I wish I could turn back time to yesterday before we had this disagreement today. We were smiling so much and these past few days were special because you started to gain your smile back slowly. I feel like a jerk because I was the one who took it away. So please try to forget about it. I know we can't erase the past and I won't forget this I learn more things today, especially about the way I BS and how I need to change. OK =)
This is what you feel right?
Saying "I love you"
Is not the words I want to hear from you
It's not that I want you
Not to say, but if you only knew how easy
It would be to show me how you feel
More than words
Is all you have to do to make it real
Then you wouldn't have to say that you love me
'Cause I'd already know
It's a song lyric that just came up and I think it was a sign or a message from someone or something. I understand that words won't get me anywhere, its actions and thats why you hate those BS lines. I'll show you ok =). And PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stop thinking that you have to do something in return because heres a secret "YOU DON'TTTTT" HAHA. I am serious ok, when the time comes you will show me that you care the way I care too. I not asking you to do what I do and I never did or will. I am not gonna waste my time telling to this again ok. lol jk, but I just want you to understand that I never ask for anything in return in a relationship, because when you are in love you don't ask for something back you just keep showing them you love them. And stop saying those things like in the future you will say this or you will hate me. I won't I will love you more and more and will never make you feel that way, if I was I would be the world's biggest jerk. I know it sounds like a like but I am serious about this, if I wasn't this serious I wouldn't have told you I wanted to marry you or what ever. So please please please try to believe me when I say I won't say those things. I am trying everyday to put on a happy face so you can not be sad. It might not work but it helps me feel like I am doing something for you. I know more than 90% of the time you wont smile but I am hoping the other 10% you would. So please don't say its useless it really hurts, I told you 100000000000 times your smile really can change the way I feel that day.
You really mean everything to me and I want to show you I can care bout you and deal with these small disagreements. It just means where a real couple now haha =). No relationship is perfect and has it flaws, but flaws are things you learn to appreciate and not hate. Thats why I really do mean when I tell you I don't care about a pimple, a scar or the way you get angry at me. To me it is something that makes you different and unique and makes me cherish those things about you more. So please cherish those things too. I love you so much and it wont change no matter how many times we do this, but I am praying this is the last time because it sucks to fight especially when we are so far, it makes it seem that much more worse that it would be if we were actually together.
OK enough with the negative things, yesterday you made me so so so so happy when we were talking about those things. Even though there is a 50% chance you will do it I can't wait. To go shopping for things to make it your house. Or to cook for you every week, to pick you up from work, to go food shopping. I can't tell you how happy it makes me. I was dreaming so much about your return lol. I know I'm a dork, but I love being a dork, it makes me so happy. Anyways this blog is too long for you so I will stop and continue another day. Thanks for letting me show you I can change. Love you =)
P.S. When your ready can you tell me your feelings, I really want to know your feelings, your fears and everything else. So I'll wait for that day to come =). I know I must be patient with you and it doesn't bother me. Love you so much please can we go back to yesterday and start over.=) MWAHHH
I messed up and I will change my ways. I know you always use to tell me BS and all those things but i never took it seriously. I never knew it made you like me less and prevent you from believing me. I won't BS anymore, I won't say those things that make you feel like I'm a liar. I just wanted to tell you in a way how much I missed you and how pretty I thought you were. I understand once in awhile is ok, but I over did it didn't I? I'm trying my hardest to stop, like yesterday I didn't do it right? So please believe that there will be more days like this. I will try to show you I love you though my actions and not stupid words ok =). I know you hate when I'm up all night talking to you,it's only because I miss you so much. I just don't want to lose a second with you and make you ever feel like your alone. And more so its because I am lonely and I only feel like I'm not alone when I'm with you. You've become come my best friend and the only person I really love. Back then you would never even think about me waking up at 6 or 7 for anything; not even class. But now its like no matter what time I fall asleep I have to be up by that time. Because when I don't get to talk to you in the morning my day always turn out like shit (pardon my French) because I always walk around sad. I just try to get though the day so I could get to talk to you. So please try understand why I stay up so late. I take naps when I get real tired so you don't have to worry about me, I am old enough to make smart enough choices. I promised you I would take care of myself right? I know it doesn't seem like that but I really do. I make sure I get 6 hours of sleep so that I can have the energy to talk to you when I call. I will sleep everyday at 3 now ok so you won't get angry at me. But can we make a deal that on weekends I can sleep later and take a nap when you sleep. It would mean the world to me.
I wish I could turn back time to yesterday before we had this disagreement today. We were smiling so much and these past few days were special because you started to gain your smile back slowly. I feel like a jerk because I was the one who took it away. So please try to forget about it. I know we can't erase the past and I won't forget this I learn more things today, especially about the way I BS and how I need to change. OK =)
This is what you feel right?
Saying "I love you"
Is not the words I want to hear from you
It's not that I want you
Not to say, but if you only knew how easy
It would be to show me how you feel
More than words
Is all you have to do to make it real
Then you wouldn't have to say that you love me
'Cause I'd already know
It's a song lyric that just came up and I think it was a sign or a message from someone or something. I understand that words won't get me anywhere, its actions and thats why you hate those BS lines. I'll show you ok =). And PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stop thinking that you have to do something in return because heres a secret "YOU DON'TTTTT" HAHA. I am serious ok, when the time comes you will show me that you care the way I care too. I not asking you to do what I do and I never did or will. I am not gonna waste my time telling to this again ok. lol jk, but I just want you to understand that I never ask for anything in return in a relationship, because when you are in love you don't ask for something back you just keep showing them you love them. And stop saying those things like in the future you will say this or you will hate me. I won't I will love you more and more and will never make you feel that way, if I was I would be the world's biggest jerk. I know it sounds like a like but I am serious about this, if I wasn't this serious I wouldn't have told you I wanted to marry you or what ever. So please please please try to believe me when I say I won't say those things. I am trying everyday to put on a happy face so you can not be sad. It might not work but it helps me feel like I am doing something for you. I know more than 90% of the time you wont smile but I am hoping the other 10% you would. So please don't say its useless it really hurts, I told you 100000000000 times your smile really can change the way I feel that day.
You really mean everything to me and I want to show you I can care bout you and deal with these small disagreements. It just means where a real couple now haha =). No relationship is perfect and has it flaws, but flaws are things you learn to appreciate and not hate. Thats why I really do mean when I tell you I don't care about a pimple, a scar or the way you get angry at me. To me it is something that makes you different and unique and makes me cherish those things about you more. So please cherish those things too. I love you so much and it wont change no matter how many times we do this, but I am praying this is the last time because it sucks to fight especially when we are so far, it makes it seem that much more worse that it would be if we were actually together.
OK enough with the negative things, yesterday you made me so so so so happy when we were talking about those things. Even though there is a 50% chance you will do it I can't wait. To go shopping for things to make it your house. Or to cook for you every week, to pick you up from work, to go food shopping. I can't tell you how happy it makes me. I was dreaming so much about your return lol. I know I'm a dork, but I love being a dork, it makes me so happy. Anyways this blog is too long for you so I will stop and continue another day. Thanks for letting me show you I can change. Love you =)
P.S. When your ready can you tell me your feelings, I really want to know your feelings, your fears and everything else. So I'll wait for that day to come =). I know I must be patient with you and it doesn't bother me. Love you so much please can we go back to yesterday and start over.=) MWAHHH
Alex's early bday and m baby long sleep which left me alone and lonely this whole day
Today was a busy day got up 6 but u weren't online haha so not cool jk. I miss you so much but you called me eventually haha so I'll let you go this time. I had to go to Chinese class, the go to law school fill out my w2 and other forms, then I visit Raph for 10 mins cuz you didn't pick up, but left cuz I had to go home and pick up text book. After I pick up text book I had to go to school and do a group project. Then had to pick up my art supplies then go pick up Alex, pay for his metro north ride take him to dinner with family, then I was finally able to call you haha. But I had a nice time with Alex today so it was cool beans.
Alex's bday cake it raspberry chocolate.
Alex haha he look so dumb
awww so cute rn't they
without me...... haha
Dinner at Sachiko's again fried calamari with like a spicy ketchup sauce and like a cucumber lime sauce it was really good.
Miso soup and salad(it like miso and spinach)
Alex and mom got sushi 44 dollars for 2 so many choices, I am not a big fan of sushi but we must try it lol cuz so many things.
Dad's tempura and they have a nice salad it very light and refreshing really nice.
This is my soba sop with duck very light not much flavor but I liked it.
Alex haha he look so dumb
awww so cute rn't they
without me...... haha
Dinner at Sachiko's again fried calamari with like a spicy ketchup sauce and like a cucumber lime sauce it was really good.
Miso soup and salad(it like miso and spinach)
Alex and mom got sushi 44 dollars for 2 so many choices, I am not a big fan of sushi but we must try it lol cuz so many things.
Dad's tempura and they have a nice salad it very light and refreshing really nice.
This is my soba sop with duck very light not much flavor but I liked it.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
quick note
Dear Kirby,
I haven't written anything for you for a couple of days so I guess I will write something quick before bed. I been watching you this past week and I have seen a side of you which I have come to really admire. I see how caring you are and the amount of sacrifices you give for the people you love. I really think that it is amazing how strong you are. I know you feel like screaming till your lungs collapse but you don't. But you try your hardest to put on a brave face and I am proud of you.
I promise you in the future yo will never have to go through this again and if anything like this happens again I will be there with you every step of the way. I know I can't be there right now, but I am trying my hardest to be the happiest I can be. If your sad I want to be that one positive thing you have so you know no matter how hard it gets I will be there for you to make you smile. And I am so glad I finally got to see your smile yesterday in such a long time. I know you have 3 or 4 days left, so I will try to keep my smile for you and try to make you smile back.
Also I finally got a job, told you to have faith in your babe. I know you don't like to get your hopes up, so I will give you a reason to from here on out. To believe that I will always succeed. I know I it sounds like I BS a lot so I am going to try to stop saying all those things that might sound like it, so hopefully one day when I say something like that you will smile big for me.
I love you more than ever and I'll never give up =),
P.S. if you do come back we definitely must learn to bake once a week and I will help you even though you don't want me to because I want to be there always for you. And can we please go shopping every week together so I can cook for you as much as possible. =)
I haven't written anything for you for a couple of days so I guess I will write something quick before bed. I been watching you this past week and I have seen a side of you which I have come to really admire. I see how caring you are and the amount of sacrifices you give for the people you love. I really think that it is amazing how strong you are. I know you feel like screaming till your lungs collapse but you don't. But you try your hardest to put on a brave face and I am proud of you.
I promise you in the future yo will never have to go through this again and if anything like this happens again I will be there with you every step of the way. I know I can't be there right now, but I am trying my hardest to be the happiest I can be. If your sad I want to be that one positive thing you have so you know no matter how hard it gets I will be there for you to make you smile. And I am so glad I finally got to see your smile yesterday in such a long time. I know you have 3 or 4 days left, so I will try to keep my smile for you and try to make you smile back.
Also I finally got a job, told you to have faith in your babe. I know you don't like to get your hopes up, so I will give you a reason to from here on out. To believe that I will always succeed. I know I it sounds like I BS a lot so I am going to try to stop saying all those things that might sound like it, so hopefully one day when I say something like that you will smile big for me.
I love you more than ever and I'll never give up =),
P.S. if you do come back we definitely must learn to bake once a week and I will help you even though you don't want me to because I want to be there always for you. And can we please go shopping every week together so I can cook for you as much as possible. =)
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Should have realized you need me, shouldn't have been so blind, didn't keep my promise and I left you alone. Now I cant help feeling like a jerk, I promised you everyday I would always be there and the one time you actually needed me I wasn't there. I wish I could turn back time and realized that you were waiting for me to call you. I was to late like am usually am, I walked home thinking you would respond to my text but I should have realized as soon as you texted me I should have responded with a phone call. I waited to call you after 10 minutes and I now realize I was to late. I am sorry please forgive me I know I really messed up right now. I am sorry I not let it happen again, I know your angry at me, I know you still don't trust me when I tell you something. I know everything I say will be bs from here on out until I prove my self. I know but I don't mind that everything I say isn't believable I will make you believe me, I am trying my hardest not to say things but to do them. I know I have been saying a lot of things lately. I know I haven't been there for you like I promised but please give me a chance to prove my self to you. As we stand now I am still not good enough for you to respond and say I love you back. I will show you babe, I want to spend the rest of my life with you and I know that its hard being alone out there. But I will try to be there more often, more when you need me than not need me. I will respond to all your calls and text and show you I can be that man so please one more time let me ask you to put your faith in me and trust me. I wont mess up again. I promise you, I wont give you a reason to shed tears or feel pressured. I will show you I am serious, so find it in your heart to forgive this jerk. He is sorry and loves you more than anything and just wants to be there for you. I miss you so much and I will keep working hard so that you wont have to feel alone anymore, then hopefully you can say I love you back.
Dear Kirby,
Miss me? haha I am so relieved your popo had a good surgery and I am proud of you for taking care of your popo. I know its hard and your not feeling well and I wish I could be there to hold you and to keep you company. I am stuck here which suckksssssss but I will try my hardest to make you smile when your sad ok. I really miss you and I wish you where here more than anything, I wish I could be the one to take care of you when your not feeling well. So I have to work that much harder to bring you back =). I will don't worry about it babe. I know its tough right now love, but I really admire you because of all the hard work and care you are giving. I am more proud of you than anyone will ever be. I am happy my baby is such a good person. I know it feels impossible sometimes, when it does call me I will keep you company and I will help my baby smile or at least not feel bad anymore. I rally want to be there for you, send me a text I will send one back, ask me to call I will call you back asap. Please call me, I don't care about the money to me your well being is more important and I could care less about the couple of cents. I told you if I can't be physically there for you I will try every other way. I just want to make sure your ok, don't worry about me and sleep. I can take care of my body, I have to because I promised you. I promised you I won't die young and after you so you won't be alone (because of your evil palm reading haha). But you have to promise me you will take care of yourself and you if you feel a little dizzy you will rest. Like you told me you can't take care of someone if your sick. So make sure your ok. I am happy I have such an amazing girl friend and I brag so much about my baby. I love it haha it makes me soso happy. I am happy you contacted me when you weren't feeling well, I continue to try my hardest to make sure your not alone. I promised you right=)? So keep depending on me when you need someone I will be there and I will do anything to see you smile. Ok so try to rest today and if we don't talk today its ok you just owe me 6 hours of talk time next time lol=) and a super big hug when you get back to the city.
I love you,
P.S. finally finished my resume after 3 weeks and I hope I got the job today so I can make money for us.
Miss me? haha I am so relieved your popo had a good surgery and I am proud of you for taking care of your popo. I know its hard and your not feeling well and I wish I could be there to hold you and to keep you company. I am stuck here which suckksssssss but I will try my hardest to make you smile when your sad ok. I really miss you and I wish you where here more than anything, I wish I could be the one to take care of you when your not feeling well. So I have to work that much harder to bring you back =). I will don't worry about it babe. I know its tough right now love, but I really admire you because of all the hard work and care you are giving. I am more proud of you than anyone will ever be. I am happy my baby is such a good person. I know it feels impossible sometimes, when it does call me I will keep you company and I will help my baby smile or at least not feel bad anymore. I rally want to be there for you, send me a text I will send one back, ask me to call I will call you back asap. Please call me, I don't care about the money to me your well being is more important and I could care less about the couple of cents. I told you if I can't be physically there for you I will try every other way. I just want to make sure your ok, don't worry about me and sleep. I can take care of my body, I have to because I promised you. I promised you I won't die young and after you so you won't be alone (because of your evil palm reading haha). But you have to promise me you will take care of yourself and you if you feel a little dizzy you will rest. Like you told me you can't take care of someone if your sick. So make sure your ok. I am happy I have such an amazing girl friend and I brag so much about my baby. I love it haha it makes me soso happy. I am happy you contacted me when you weren't feeling well, I continue to try my hardest to make sure your not alone. I promised you right=)? So keep depending on me when you need someone I will be there and I will do anything to see you smile. Ok so try to rest today and if we don't talk today its ok you just owe me 6 hours of talk time next time lol=) and a super big hug when you get back to the city.
I love you,
P.S. finally finished my resume after 3 weeks and I hope I got the job today so I can make money for us.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Thankful for the past, present and future all because of you
The longer we are together the more worried I have become because everyday I am more sure I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Its not a bad worry, more of can wait to start a life worry.
Today and yesterday I spent all day worried about your health, because you were throwing up and feeling dizzy, the first time you told me you had low blood pressure I didn't think it was so serious. But after yesterday I spent a lot of time on the internet, so that when you come back I can be prepared for any situation (Hopefully noting) and to learn anything I could so that you know you can be in good hands.
You made me happy today when we talked about buying tickets for your return ohhh boy I can;t wait till December kinda suck not your B-day but its what you want and I promise to make you happy. But I am really happy we talked about it can't wait, like a little kid on Christmas.
Finally thank God your grandma's surgery went well, now I wish for her speedy recovery and for her to keep her good health. I saw how much she cared about you and made me smile because it made me think of my grandparents. Your luck you have her still I wish I had mines, cherish every moment babe. But I don't need to tell you you know.
Love you,
P.S. wanted to post this fb status I wrote a while back
"Its really amazing what can happen when you fall for someone. Its amazing how much you would sacrifice for them. Its amazing how you will change for them. But what is most amazing is that feeling they give you, its that feeling of completeness. Don't lose that feeling or that person if they make you feel like your special. =)"
Sunday, September 19, 2010
street fair
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Gracie and corn
Jackie and guess what drink
your favorite carrot drink
a couple who got married today play games in the street fair how cool haha.
Mozzarella sticks the tomato sauce is from Italy.
OMGG it is potato chips it potato they cut up and stick on stick the fry it how cool. and then they put flavors. on it.
the stand
stole pic from friend cuz I forgot to take pic
dessert store
me wearing ur shirt u bought me =)
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Shopping day All About the Kirbs =)
SO today I woke up real early for my baby, I really want to get you a present for our month/ 1 year meeting anniversary. I went to Soho to buy you clothes that you like went to so many different stores and took pictures to see if you like them. To bad your internet wasn't working so I had to guess lol. Should have shopped Zara for you but I chose H&m because I thought you tell me to go there. I wish I went to Zara instead and bought you the things I liked, haha so mad I messed up babe. But I did get you one surprise gift I hope you like it but I doubt it. So you have to show me more examples of clothings you like so I can get you more things I am happy that you liked the clothes I took pictures of though. I walked till 12.30 looking for items, then I went into Uniqlo to say hi to everybody and ran into Jackie. Cool beans right? So she asked me to go to the salon with her to keep her and Gracie company. I said yea because I wanted to catch up, Jackie and I had a really good talk =). HAHA Guess how much the hair cut was for both of them. It was 220 with out the tip. LOL OD right?
So after we walked around for like 8 hours from Soho to NYU to Union Square. First Jackie wanted fries so we went to five guys and ordered Cajun fries( I think) they were really good, you would love them, also we get all the free peanuts we want there. So Jackie filled the bag up when she was done with the fries. LOL Then we walked to the park where we saw the guy with the cool fuzzy motor cycle and the band playing in the fountain. I hope you remember lol. Because we walked there a couple of times and they were real special moments to me =). So we went to the dog park because thats what they do when they walk around lol, but it was real cute you would have liked it actually lol.
After we watched the dogs for 20 mins we walked to a store which sold puppies. They were so so so cute babe. If you were there you would have told me to defiantly get one when we get married. You have to see them, they are so small and cute =). We well also go here when you come back, I promise you you will go awwww. So we went to Urban Outfitters after and went shopping for Grace and Jackie. Boy can they shop lol, they make it look like we are nothing. They bought a couple of cheap things like a tie and a formal shoe for Grace. After Jackie kept talking about this tea place. It reminded me of Starbucks but organic and more tea than coffee. I got mint chocolate as my drink it sucked. But Jackie and Grace got the drink like the one your friend owns, PS your friends are so so much better. I told Jackie we will take them next time ok =) haha so you have to take us all so we don't look so dumb when we ordering.
After the tea store we went to look for a Japanese restaurant we couldn't find it for 10 minutes then we notice it wasn't open yet, it was under construction lol. So we held dinner off for a couple more hours. Jackie went to Filens basement and bought a Kennth Cole watch, haha just my taste. Oh yea Grace like our watch, I brag how my baby bought it for me =). Thank you again one of my two favorite things not sure if that or bracelet is better lol. So then we decided to go to Sephora. Found the brand name not the product lol because we didn't know what it was. They went to look for colon and perfume.
After we walked to H&M and I decided to buy you the two things you said no to lol. So hard to shop for but it ok I am learning slowly right? =) So after that Jackie wanted to buy bowls for her kitchen so we went to this really cool pottery place. WE will shop here when we get married and buy a house ok? =)
Look at these coooool cups haha.
so cool right, looks like an ad or a book cover.
Then they decided to go to K-town to eat Korean food. We went to a pretty nice place but was kinda pricey. But it was really really really good.
Kim-chi pancake really good, but Jackie and Grace can't eat fish and meat lol.
Sorry it dark real bad lighting.
The appetizers yumm, had this weird fish thing but it taste pretty good, but I don't think you will like it. Taste like meat ahha.
This is realllll dark sorry but it is Bipbimbop, spicy beef or pork not sure lol. But it was really good yummmm, and then Grace got the most amazing tofu, the casserole i think but me and Jackie were like omg this is amazing lol. Jackie got the same thing I ate just tofu. It was really good, but the bill was 77 but they also drank 3 beers. I didn't cause I try to keep my promise for my baby, I will try till I am 21 ok see if I can hold off that long for you =). And omg they tip high lol it was $20 they do it because of Collen(the Visual Manager, her husband is a chief that why they said.) Omg they said when she goes out she tips 80% of the bill how ridiculous is that lol. Oh yea here are Jackie's boat shoes you would love them, Zara your favorite.)
Anyways after dinner I rush home to talk to you, to bad your laptop died, I miss talking to you all night it is so lonely now. I wish I could talk to you all night =(. But waking up at 7 to talk to you so it ok ill make it up later haha.
Love you,
P.S. (think about you the whole time and Jackie says hi and Grace) BTW you have to shop with Gracie because you have the same style and with Jackie because she was part of visuals and she still got that talent with clothes. Don't worry your still my number one shopping buddy, they no that haha. I really missed you all day because it kinda felt weird walking with out you, don't get me wrong I had fun but it wasn't the same. But they were fun compared to everyone else I have seen recently. I wish you were there you would love to be with them. They are your type of people, they are sweet and Jackie can speak Cantonese lol. babe they can shop lol Jackie paid for everything for Gracie it was like 400-500 (pay day lol) they really are the best of friends, you miss them feeding each other. It made me miss you at that moment the most because you always did that for me. I wish we can keep doing it =( I really do. So come back soon and wish me luck on Monday with the Job interview. I really need it for us =). So I can be like Jackie when she spends money her BBF Grace lol.
Here the to u said no two. I thought you would like it I was wrong lol sorry. =)

After we watched the dogs for 20 mins we walked to a store which sold puppies. They were so so so cute babe. If you were there you would have told me to defiantly get one when we get married. You have to see them, they are so small and cute =). We well also go here when you come back, I promise you you will go awwww. So we went to Urban Outfitters after and went shopping for Grace and Jackie. Boy can they shop lol, they make it look like we are nothing. They bought a couple of cheap things like a tie and a formal shoe for Grace. After Jackie kept talking about this tea place. It reminded me of Starbucks but organic and more tea than coffee. I got mint chocolate as my drink it sucked. But Jackie and Grace got the drink like the one your friend owns, PS your friends are so so much better. I told Jackie we will take them next time ok =) haha so you have to take us all so we don't look so dumb when we ordering.
After the tea store we went to look for a Japanese restaurant we couldn't find it for 10 minutes then we notice it wasn't open yet, it was under construction lol. So we held dinner off for a couple more hours. Jackie went to Filens basement and bought a Kennth Cole watch, haha just my taste. Oh yea Grace like our watch, I brag how my baby bought it for me =). Thank you again one of my two favorite things not sure if that or bracelet is better lol. So then we decided to go to Sephora. Found the brand name not the product lol because we didn't know what it was. They went to look for colon and perfume.

Look at these coooool cups haha.
so cool right, looks like an ad or a book cover.
Then they decided to go to K-town to eat Korean food. We went to a pretty nice place but was kinda pricey. But it was really really really good.
Kim-chi pancake really good, but Jackie and Grace can't eat fish and meat lol.
Sorry it dark real bad lighting.
The appetizers yumm, had this weird fish thing but it taste pretty good, but I don't think you will like it. Taste like meat ahha.

Anyways after dinner I rush home to talk to you, to bad your laptop died, I miss talking to you all night it is so lonely now. I wish I could talk to you all night =(. But waking up at 7 to talk to you so it ok ill make it up later haha.
Love you,

Here the to u said no two. I thought you would like it I was wrong lol sorry. =)
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