HAPPY ANNIVERSARY LOVE. I am happy to say 5 months anniversary I knew we would make it to 5 months and have many many more left, I know we do. Even cooler happy 1 YEAR KNOWING YOU!!!!!!! Isn't it crazy 1 wholeee year, it is amazing how fast time can fly. I wish it wasn't that long because I wish to be able to see you everyday and tease you like I use to. I miss spending all night in the beginning and we would talk and tease each other and talk learning about each other (I still love it know just as much, but I loved finding new things about you=)). I miss that first night when we talked on the phone and you fell asleep with the phone still on, I loved it. You should have seen my smile haha, then after 2 hours of sleeping you woke up because of a bad dream and you talked to me when I was still there, I think thats when I started to feel like I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. How about when I use to take you home everyday and it was snowing. We would talk in front of your house while I held you in my arms and covered you in my jacket thats when I knew I wanted to protect you from anything for the the rest of our lives. Or when I use to pick you up from school after your class and we would go out and have a nice dinner, thats when I knew I could be happy with you because the simplest things were my most favorite. You have always been able to make me smile no matter how down I felt or angry I was. Thank you for that for being that one positive thing in my life.
I wish I could tell you in words all that you are to me, but I can't we both know that, because it ends up sounding like BS haha. But honestly I am so so so so so happy we were able to meet and go on these great adventures together. Look how much we did in such a short time, I know we could have done more but I think we did pretty well. I mean we still have somethings on our checklist for New York, but theres not much left lol. What we have to do now is start checking the things we want to do outside of New York off our list, we can start with Baltimore. Wasn't that one of the best trips, it was so relaxing and so many great memories. I really wish we can go to more aquariums and see dolphin shows haha, you should have seen how big your smile was, you looked like a happy kid =). Next time we have to go to Boston, it is so cool we went in elementary school. And we been to Trinidad 2x now in one year so we have to go to some where new like Paris or Cancun. Haha but we have so many place we still need to see so you have to come back ASAP because I need to bring you millions of places.
One of my most favorite things we have done in our one year together was our food adventures. Not only are you my girl friend and my best friend. Your also my food buddy haha. I know this is definitely one of your favorite things. We have tried so many different types of food some of our more memorable restaurant dates would be at Gusto, Zenkichi and Water Club. I happy I was able to take you to so many different places before you left. I am happy we went on all those amazing dinner dates =).
But I have to say some of my favorite dinner dates we went to were ones that were cheap but we sat down and enjoyed ourselves. Singer's pizza one of my most favorite places because it was our Thursday ritual where I would pick you up and then we would get pizza and talk and talk. Or when we went to eat dumplings in flushing by the park or the Thai food by your house. We had so many great food adventures love I hope we can do some more real soon.
Oh yea love cooking for you possibly on my top things, I love cooking for you and you always smile real big and bother me asking when is it time to eat haha. Then you would hug me while I cook for you and watch me =). But my favorite is when we cook together, when you cut the vegetables and I prepare and season the food. I have to learn many other dishes so you can smile big.
"For all these years you have been my first thought in the morning and my last thought at night." This is so true because you are the first person I call when I wake up and the last person I talk to before I sleep everyday since December haha. We weren't even dating and we have been doing these couple like things. I know you won't admit but we been acting like boy friend and girl friend way before you said yes haha. To me its been like this for seven or eight months. But who cares we had so many great times I don't even care how many months or years, I just want it to last forever.
So many people are supporting us so don't give up hope ok babe, to me its like everyone believes in long distance but they are to scared to try it. So let us be the reason why people start trying it out. I know we can get though this little thing. So have faith in me and you and I promise after this part everything will be smooth sailing haha. "No one else would understand our relationship, and no one else in this world would understand me the way you do. Happy Anniversary!" =) I love you so much and I miss you more than you will ever know.
Love you,
Your Astroboy (see you have your own super hero =p)
P.S. It is way to lonely here without you, I hope you can rush back home as soon as possible I will be waiting for you to come back ok =). So try hurry home so I won't die of loneliness =).
My new FB profile pic. like it or not because I love it =). <3 HAPPY 5 MONTHS ANNIVERSARY AND EXACTLY 1 YEAR KNOWING YOU =).
Hey nice write up on anniversary paragraph for him
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